Below are some links to some projects I am really proud of or stuff I just had fun building. My goal is to eventually embed some more of the higher end ones into this website using WEBGPU. As soon as I find the time.
My favorite projects
A collection of two projects for fetching and training machine learning models on stock data. Livermore-fetch is written in Rust and Polars, it uses the yahoo finance api to process and fetch data. Livermore-analyze is a gym enviornment for training machine learning models on this data
HomelabA collection of the services I self-host, using applications like NGINX, Proxmox, Docker, OPNSense etc. As well as dealing with concepts such as reverse proxy, SSL, Load balancing, etc.
Riscy CoresA collection of cores I have built in systemverilog. I plan to expand this with a 64 bit pipelined CPU and a neural network DSP
Advent of codeI love programming paradigms, therefore I'm doing as many days as I can in AOC using Haskell, Rust, Python, C, and Pytorch/tinygrad. In the future, I plan to do Agda and APL as well.
Micrograd-rsMy thesis project, I wrote Micrograd by Karpathy in Rust and discussed how Rust memory allocated the framework. The thesis has yet to be presented, when it has the paper will be on Github.
T- Solve Everything